What I have learned about Doctoring after 14 years in Practice in Manassas, VA
I have learned many things after 14.5 years in practice in the same location in Manassas, VA. I have learned that accuracy and attention-to-detail is what makes an experienced professional, compared to a recently-minted graduate. The single most important facet to patient healing is where you start. The foundations for ending up at a successful destination begin with the right initial location, subsequently in health care a successful destination is a good prognosis. Good prognosis starts with an accurate diagnosis. The treatment plan must me built on a solid foundation of an accurate diagnosis.
When you take your car to the mechanic, he first runs diagnostic tests to determine why your car is not working properly.
Mechanics run diagnostic testing. These tests must be accurate. Accurate diagnostic tests determine his next steps,
and therefore, an accurate diagnosis is critical to developing a plan.
Accurate Diagnosis begins with an Accurate and Detailed History
History is most accurate when the Doctor is Listening. Too many Doctors are simply not listening to their patients.
Too many American physicians have gotten lazy and too reliant on diagnostic tests and simply aren’t listening to their patients! Doctors are people too, hence they have; familes, spouses, kid’s soccer games, PTA meetings to attend, taxes to do, dry cleaner pick-ups, etc. Doctors have all the distractions that you do, living in the modern world, hence Doctors may not always have 100% of their attention on YOU!
Diagnosis is usually in the History!
Diagnosis is usually in the history, therefore simply listening closely to the patient will provide an accurate place to start. Directions are followed easily when you know where you are starting from. Accident history is likely to be the cause for many neuromusculoskeletal disorders. Infections usually are fast and present with fever.
Good Doctors are like Good Detectives.
Doctors who listen attentively can find the diagnosis (usually) in the patient’s history. Doctors then test their hypothetical diagnosis in the physical examination.
Next, physicians and other health care providers detect examination “clues” known as “findings”, to either confirm or deny their diagnosis.
Finally, after the History and Examination are completed, Diagnostic Tests should be chosen to either find additional clues or confirm the hypothetical diagnosis.
Diagnostic tests can be; CBC and other blood tests, x-rays, MRIs, CT, NCV/EMG nerve conduction tests, diagnostic ultrasound, bone scan, or a myriad of other lab tests.
After arriving at an accurate diagnosis, your doctor can then create an accurate; prognosis and treatment plan.
We specialize in detection, diagnosis, and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders including spine.
Call us today at 703-396-7770.