I don’t like to discuss phase 4 spinal arthritis. However, If I don’t warn people about the dangers of getting this bad, than they will continue to degenerate and die.
I have been in practice in the same location for over 10 years now, and I have to say that I have only seen one case walk through my door of what I would truly classify as a phase 4 patient. AND, even that patient only showed phase 4 level degenerative changes in one level of the spine.
Phase four patients have spinal vertebrae that have grown together, from severe degeneration in the spine. Usually, there is nothing left of the disc between the vertebrae involved, and the nerves at that level have are not functioning.
One of the most dangerous areas to get phase 4 degeneration is also one of the most COMMON areas to get degenerative change—the lower neck and upper thoracic (mid-back) areas.
As Americans take more jobs sitting long hours in front of computers, driving long commutes, etc…We are becoming a obese nation of people, that have their heads “going forward” into forward flexed positions.
This, over time, causes degenerative arthritis in the lower neck and upper thoracic area. Sometimes, the “hunchback” is seen in the spine at t1-t6 areas, as the head progressively moves forward.
When we have spinal arthritis in that specific area, the bones close up around the nerves that feed the lungs and the heart.
This is extremely dangerous and life-threatening.
Most phase 4 patients are not walking through my door.
Most are immobile, and have tremendous organ function problems. They are dying or dead already.
These people should have seen a Chiropractor decades ago.
See the video on youtube for more information…
Yours in Health,
Dr. Steve Lininger