The icy, cold weather in Manassas recently has had some interesting effects on our local roads. If you haven’t noticed already, there is a LOT more road repair and construction occuring in and around our office in Manassas. This roadwork is primarily driven by cracked pavement in Manassas, causing people to crash into one another in their cars.
Usually, these people go to the emergency room, where they are checked for vital signs, fractures, and other signs of impending death and the need for surgery or casting. IF the ER docs don’t see a fracture on the limited x-rays that they may or may not have taken, they will quickly triage the person out of the ER and release them.
THIS does NOT mean that the Doctors in the ER do not see subluxation, misalignments, etc., on the x-rays. IN FACT, they DO see these things, and commonly note them on the radiology reports.
But it is not the job of the ER physician to remove subluxation, misalignment in a patient that was recently injured in a motor vehicle accident. That is the job of a Licensed Chiropractor. Sometimes, we are seeing that the ER Docs tell the patients to seek out chiropractic care, following an accident.
But more often than not, the patient is x-rayed, given pain pills, and triaged out of the ER with bedrest instructions.
I always say, after being released from the ER, go straight to my or Licensed Chiropractor’s office to get your spine checked for subluxation, so that the misalignments can be corrected before causing further damage down the road.
Most people do not know that in 99% of the automobile accidents, the care in a Licensed Chiropractor’s office is covered under the auto insurance policy, most times with zero out-of-pocket. You pay for this coverage, you should use it. And it doesn’t effect your rates.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Steve Lininger