Well, Once again, it looks as if we are going to be pounded, slammed, what have you, by mother nature.
Tommorow, we are closing our clinic because of the snow storm that is supposed to hit manassas hard. I have heard everything from 4 inches of snow, all the way up to 18 inches of snow in Manassas!!! Nobody seems to know, and from what I gather, it all has to do with something called the “snow/rain line”, and depending on this line, we will get nothing at all, OR, we could be getting a foot of the white snow in Manassas and surrounding cities!
Remember, that IF you are involved in a Car Accident, or Injured on the ICE and snow, don’t call a lawyer!!
Call us First!!
We will evaluate and treat your injury on the premises. If you do need an attorney, we can refer you to local attorneys whom many of our other patients utilize the services of.
We also have great working relationships with most of the Doctors in the area, and can refer you to specialists if we cannot help you, or to co-treat with another Doctor in the area.
Be safe out there…
Yours in Health,
Dr. Steve Lininger